
In case you care, here’s a page about my philosophy. I’m no expert on the subject, but I love to think, talk, and read about it.


Save the world!

For those of us lucky enough to address our fundamental needs, we should use our positions and resources for the betterment of the world. Often, that means specialization to address a problem or achieve a goal. Pollution, hunger, genocide, disease, misinformation, and many other more-or-less glamorous problems plague our world. These problems are multifaceted and require coordinated effort to solve. I am most interested in the improvement of education and long-term sustainability. I have deep compassion for those suffering and deep respect for anyone else out there trying to save the world.


What is true?

My underlying epistemology is skepticism (that is, nothing can be known), which is unworkable, so I accept certain axioms, known or unknown to me, that seem to lead to my happiness. These axioms include (for example) the rules of logic, the phenomenon of cause and effect, the need for self-preservation, and the value of consciousness. With a little effort, I can trace most of what I believe to rest soundly on these axioms.


How are opinions evaluated?

Plato hailed the dialectic as the highest form of thought. This is the method by which we evaluate our beliefs and new ideas. When I am exposed to new ideas, I see how they fit with what I believe. If the idea does not fit, I may have to reject the idea or modify what I believe.

I endeavor to treat all sources of information with the same level of scrutiny. Some sources build up a reputation, and that reputation can change.


This is a work in progress.

I stand by everything I’ve written here, but it’s not meant to be an exhaustive list of my values or a perfect and unchanging code.

Thanks for stopping by. Good luck out there!